
Get Hired With Rate My Resume

Have your resume AI tailored to the job you want in just a few clicks, making it 63% more likely you get an interview.


Join 450+ candidates ready to up their game.

Increase Your Chances of Getting Hired by 93%

Rate my Resume has been developed by a leading IT recruitment firm. This model has been trained to tailor your resume in accordance with what global recruiters look for when submitting candidates. 

Automated Tailoring
Tailor your resume live with AI driven results that directly match your skills, experience, education and tools to your dream job
Personalized Feedback
Get feedback that speaks to your experience, and the dream job you're trying to land!

10+ Years in Recruitment... We Know What Works

Create a resume that stands out in a crowded job market!
Highly Customizable
Live editing in Rate My Resume allows you to easily customize your resume

41% of Hiring Managers

Immediately Toss Non-Personalized Resumes.

Capture the attention of hiring managers in those crucial first 6 seconds.

AI Features

What our users say

Users testing Rate My Resume quickly found success in the job market.

Here's what they had to say:

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

When will Rate my Resume launch?

Keep your eyes peeled and your email notifications on! The Rate my Resume launch is closer than you think!

How does the resume tailoring process work?

Upload your job description, upload your resume, and let rate my resume do the rest! The software will provide bullet point suggestions on how to improve your experience, skills, tools and education formulation, in order to tailor it to the exact job description you’re applying for!

Is Rate My Resume suitable for candidates in all industries?

While Rate My Resume specializes in cybersecurity and related fields, thanks to its comprehensive database and advanced matching algorithms, it is capable of assisting candidates across a variety of industries. Whether you're in tech, healthcare, finance, or another sector, our AI can tailor your resume and cover letter to meet the specific needs of your industry.

How does Rate My Resume stay updated on job market trends?

Rate My Resume is constantly fed data from various job markets and industries. This continuous influx of real-time information ensures that the software remains up-to-date on the latest trends, demands, and keyword priorities across different job sectors.

Is my information secure with Rate My Resume?

Absolutely! We take data security very seriously. Your information is protected by industry-leading security protocols, and we never share your data with third parties without your consent.

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